Vegetables and Potatoes from Horse Cultivated Fields

Good for people and the environment

What is solidary agriculture?

This is how it works: We are your vegetable farmers. You contribute to our Solawi/CSA through monthly costs within a one year contract, and we provide you with fresh, seasonal vegetables each and every week. It is guaranteed organic, guaranteed regional, and we can guarantee no plastic packaging. No wholesale, no “middlemen”, nothing unaccounted for, and no exclusion of the so called “crooked” or “curvy” cucumbers. Just fresh, organic veggies harvested straight from the field, packed exactly as they are and on the same day, you receive it! At annual meetings, you get to plan the next season with us, specifically vegetable varieties. Taking into consideration the interests of the vegetable farmers and the other members, you will be able to create your own vegetable farm. The harvest will be shared. The agriculture – not the individual food stuffs like in the supermarket – will be financed through your contribution and participation.

There used to be more butterflies …

Will our children and grandchildren also get to walk through meadows of flowers, listening to the sound of birds singing? What kind of world do we want to leave behind? Agriculture has enormous effects on climate and water quality. Organic vegetable cultivation paired with the ability to use working horses is the most nature considerate way to ensure healthy nutrition. For example, the diversity of plant cultures on our fields provides the bees and other insects the habitats that have been taken away from them by the monocultures and pesticides.

Conservation should not end at the supermarket checkout!

The consumer has the power to change the methods of production, simply through his/her purchasing habits or behaviors. By participating in our solidary agriculture community and practice, you will be eating healthier and doing something good for the environment and our future.

Story of Success

Agriculture & Passion

We have been farming for a very long time, first as a small scale side business, but it gradually grew. Every person who takes on something, not just with their hands but with their heart, knows that there is no turning back. The logical solution to connect the work with horses and our love for organic produce, was of course, solidary agriculture.

The Transition to SoLaWi/CSA

In July of 2015, we decided to change the concept of our farm to solidary agriculture. Since May of 2016 we’ve been delivering produce to Melsungen, Bebra and two locations in Bad Hersfeld, to a total of 180 harvest participants. Not to mention our pickup location in Oberellenbach. In the past seasons, we’ve been visited by several TV stations which has resulted in this Hessischer Rundfunk film: Kleinbauer sucht Mitmacher!


We cultivate; on 3.3 hectares of land; 18 different varieties of potatoes, and throughout the growing season, over 70 vegetable varieties. All of this is almost exclusively cultivated by hand and literal horse power. We work bio-dynamically. Our farm is certified organic and eco (Inspection office DE-öko-022). The seeds sown are almost entirely from Bingenheimer Saatgut AG and fertilized solely with our very own horse manure.


Solawi Oberellenbach

Günter und Dörte Hufmann

Oberer Erlenbach 23

36211 Alheim-Oberellenbach


Fon +49 5664/938797

Mobil +49 173 587 3338

Fax +49 5664 28295359

info (at)


IBAN: DE71 4306 0967 0025 4633 01



Unser Kalender für das Jahr 2021
Solawi-Kalender 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 9.6 MB
Beitrittserklärung (Vertrag)
Hier könnt Ihr den Vertrag zum Beitritt herunterladen:
Beitrittserklärung 2024 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 279.4 KB
Flyer SoLaWi Oberellenbach 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.2 MB
Anleitung zum Gemüsepacken
(Zettel aus der Verteilstelle)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 42.5 KB